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Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Sunday, July 18, 2010


Ek ahsaas ko hum apne dil me chipaaye baithe hain,
Wo aaye naa aaye dar pe hamaare , hum palke bichaye baithe hain.
Wo humse nazre churaa le to kya, hum unse nazre chaar karne ko bekaraar baithe hain.
Wo hume apnaa banaaye ke nahi, hum unhe apnaa banaaye baithe hain.
Bekhudi me unki hum khud ko bhulaaye baithe hai,
Jee sake  na hum unke saath to kya, hum unke liye maut ko gale lagaaye baithe hain.
Wo hamara saath naa de to kya, hum unhe apni rooh me samaaye baithe hain.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Download himachali songs for free.

Himachali songs have their own uniqueness of lyrics, music and composition. Himachal music industry has picked up lately and as of today Himachali albums are being released by music bigwigs like T-Series every now and then. A number of local music companies too have come up which has been proved a boom to  Himachali folk music. These music companies have not only provided financial support to folk singers and artists but have also helped Himahcali music in reaching  audience worldwide.Lyrics (गीत)
Till recently main soul of Himachali songs has been the lyrics. Most of the songs sounded pure and shrine to ears without any instrumental accompaniment. Himachali songs has always been based on stories, regional beliefs, like human love and separation of lovers, scarifies etc. Songs of the hill state reflect the natural beauty of the DevBhoomi. Now a days so many new lyricists  have come up in the state and all songs which are composed are not based on stories or beliefs. It’s a time of  remixes, pop music and fusion, and Himachali music is also singing to same tune.
Folk songs of Himachal Pradesh comprise of  ritual songs sung on marriages or other religious occasions, festival songs, heroic songs, love songs and devotional or divine songs. Most of  the Devotional or Bhakti songs are dedicated to Lord Shiva. Two most popular devotional songs on lord Shiva are “Dhudu Nacheya.. jata.…” or “Shiv Kailason ke vassi..”
Few Popular Himachali songs and albums (कुछ प्रसिद्ध हिमाचली गाने)  
“Rohru jana meri amiye…”
“Non Stop Pahari Natian
“Niru Chali Ghumadi
“Bheda teriyan..”
“Phojiya sipahiya..”
“Kunchu Chanchlo”
“Parliya baniya more je bole ho…”
“Chamba aar ke…”
“Kuch saldiyan..”
“saun mahine..”
“Pani re Tanki”
“Ranju Phulmu” and list goes on. Listen few of your favorite pahari songs below.
Mohit Chauhan, popular Bollywood singer who hails from Himachal Pradesh has always tried his best to give Himachali music wordwide audience by using Himachali music and including at least one pahari song in his albums. Mohit’s new album Fitoor once again has one Himachali song ” माये नी मेरिये (Mayee ni meriye..).. “
Visit YouTube to enjoy more Himachali folk songs and video albums.You can download himachali songs for free from this website.



A small act of helping others in any possible way will go a long way in helping you.Helping others is good for your health. It is healthy to forget yourself on a regular basis and concentrate on helping others. Volunteer to care for someone, but limit it to the extent that you can handle without taxing yourself. A study which involved 2,700 residents in Tecumseh, Michigan, observed that residents who volunteered their time for community organizations were two and a half times less likely to die from any diseases compared to those who did not volunteer. Helpers also reported that they had fewer colds, headaches, backaches, and even relief from the pain of chronic diseases, such as ulcers, asthma,, arthritis and lupus. In addition to fewer illnesses, a large number of volunteers reported that they were eating better and sleeping better since they started volunteering time to their community.
Just by watching a film of Mother Teresa loving and helping the dying children of Calcutta, viewers experienced a temporary boost in immune system. True well-being is achieved when we act on an honestly felt compassion for others; helping may be as important to our health as regular exercise and proper nutrition.
Helpers experience pure Joy out of helping, a "helper's high." In a national survey, conducted by Allan Luks, involving 3,300 volunteers from all fields, nearly 95% of the volunteers reported that personal helping on a regular basis gives them immediate pleasurable sensation. Helper's high consists of physical and emotional sensations, including a sudden warmth, a surge of energy, excitement, and joy immediately after helping. The sense of teamwork and connection with fellow helpers is a powerful bonus in addition to the benefits of performing good deeds.
"Helper's high" is often followed by feelings of increased self worth, calm, and relaxation.  Such feelings last longer than the "helper's high". Nearly 80% of those surveyed reported that the good feelings would return, though in diminished intensity, when the helping act was remembered. Nine out of ten felt that they were healthier than others of their age group. Volunteers, who later on get to see and witness the personal reactions of the person they are helping, are more likely to report helper's high, increased self-esteem, and reduced signs of stress.
Helping provides a healthy distraction. Focusing on others takes us away, at least temporarily, from the hassles of work, finances, or family troubles. Let's not ignore the fact that we get a special kind of attention from those we help. It makes us feel that we matter to someone. Helping can also block pain because our attention is shifted from personal pain to helping others. Helping others improves our outlook and enhances our sense of gratitude for what we have. 
In one survey, those who volunteered once a week were ten times more likely to report good health than those who were once-a-year helpers. A good rule of thumb is to devote the same amount of time to helping as one would give to other healthy habits like exercise and meditation. Positive effects of helping others were reported by people who only volunteered two hours per week.
Helping because you have to can result in increased stress and even illness. We do much better when we help out of our free choice rather than out of a sense of obligation or necessity. Helping others can be an unbearable burden if you do it alone, or if you feel unappreciated for your effort. Instead of the helper's high and sense of well-being, you may begin to feel sick or stressed out. Watch out for feelings of being overwhelmed by the needs of another person, which produce a sense of helplessness, loss of control, resentment, guilt, and stress. Pay attention to your own needs. Take a break when you need it. Eat nutritious foods that you like. Get adequate rest and exercise. Have fun while helping others. Recognize your limits. Learn to set boundaries on how much time you can spend and when you can be available.
If you concentrate on whether your efforts will truly change someone, you are setting yourself up for a "helper's low" rather than a "helper's high." Just focus on the act of helping and don't worry too much about the outcome. Leave the outcome of your efforts to the forces higher than yourself Look for little opportunities to give without expecting something in return, and you may get the full return on your efforts.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Male or female?

Male or female?

Did you know that computers are females? The theory is based on the following principles:
1. The minute you get a new one a better one will come along;
2. No one can understand their logic apart from the Creator;
3. The language they use among themselves it is impossible to be understood;
4. It is difficult to understand any of their messages;
5. After purchasing a computer you´ll spend half of your salary in accessories.
Photo by juliaf @ www.sxc.hu

Lost without you

Lost Without You

A Broken Heart

How do I mend a broken heart?
My entire world has fallen apart.
How do I find hope in a brand new day,
when the one I love has gone away?
My mind overflows with memories of you,
of all that we've shared, all that we knew.
I long for your touch and your warm embrace,
the look in your eyes, the smile on your face.
My dreams are filled with your soft gentle kiss,
I wake and cry for all that I miss.
How do I mend a broken heart, 
when my one true love and I are apart?
My heart knows to love only you, it won't let go, what do I do?
Our moments together were precious and few,
but I cherished them all more than you knew.
I love you my angel and always will,
I loved you then and I love you still



Once upon a time, there was a child ready to be born.
So one day he asked God:
"They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow
but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"
God replied: "Among the many angels, I chose one for you.
It will be waiting for you and will take care of you."

Said the child,
"But tell me, here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing and smile,
that's enough for me to be happy.
And how am I going to be able to understand
when people talk to me, if I don't know the language that men talk?"

God responded "Your angel will tell you
the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear,
and with much patience and care,
your angel will teach you how to speak."

"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"
"Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."
"I've heard that on earth there are bad men, who will protect me?"
"Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its own life."

"But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."
"Your angel will always talk to you about me,
and will teach you the way for you to come back to me,
even though I will always be next to you."

At that moment there was much peace in Heaven,
but voices from earth could already be heard,
and the child in a hurry asked softly:
"Oh Father, if I am about to leave now,
please tell me my angel's name."
Said God, "Your angel's name is of no importance.
You will simply call her..

An open frame..

An open frame....who will fill it?

Straight from my heart


You are one of a kind.
You are part of my body and the inspiration of my soul.
I remember the day I first met you.
Something happened to me.
I could not control my emotions,
My mind, my body, and my soul
were totally captured by your fleeting presence,
And my heart which is the kingdom of my body,
signalled me to go for it.

I honor you Sweetheart, with every breath I take.
I love you, and wish I could find a word other than 'love'
which would show the depth of my love for you,
but I have not succeeded yet.
You are truly the other half of me.
I feel we were brought together,
and will soon be joined together, by a 'divine power'.
Because I firmly believe that God knows,
I cannot live without your love.

Physically and emotionally, You touch me with your eyes,
when I think of you,
Every inch of my body and soul starts to quiver,
So imagine what happens to me,
when you actually touch me and make love to me.
When You and I lock our bodies and souls as one.

Darling, without commitment
you can not learn to care for another person more than yourself.
So I commit myself to You.
But we must learn the 'Roles in making our partnership work.
We must also know that love alone is not enough,
and without trust,
we will not be able to give and to receive,
the love that both of us have for each other.

I think we should learn that our commitment,
should be transalated into a form,
that satisfies the needs of both of us.
We have to learn to value the needs of each other.
Because the partnership that we both need,
requires, two healthy and inwardly secure individuals.
This is just one of the many letters
that you shall receive from me throughout my life,
as I strive to tell you how much I love you.