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Monday, May 10, 2010

Fun for Children

I have a really sweet niece named Charu..I am mostly compelled by  her cute little actions to look for material concerning young children . These are some of the jokes and riddles that I have come across on the net.. 

                         Jokes and riddles

Why was little Heidy punished when she really did nothing?
None of her chores were done! (She did nothing!)
I'm running without legs
I'm your friend but your worst enemy
I'm clear but you can see me

There are three guys, a smart guy, a kinda smart guy, and a dumb guy.
And they are all racing across the dessert and get to bring a couple items.
The smart guy brings a fan to keep cool and water,
the second guy just brings water,
and the dumb guy brings a car door.
A reporter walks up to them before the race and asks the third guy
why he brought a car door.

He replys:
"So if it gets hot, I can roll down the window!!" 

What starts with a p,
ends with an e,
and has one thousand letters?

Post Office

Why did the skeleton not go to the party?

Because he had nobody (no body) to go with.

What numbers when multiplied or added, give the same result?

1 2 3
1 x 2 = 2 x 3 = 6

There was once a farmer who hired a helper to help him carry sacks of grain.
The helper carried 2 sacks of grain, and the farmer carried 2 sacks.
Who carried the heavier load and why?

The helper of course!
Because the helper carried 2 sacks of grain,
and the farmer carried only 2 empty sacks! 

If your Mother had a baby but it's not your brother
and it's not your sister, who is it?

It's You.

What is the most common owl in Britain?

A teatowl (tea towel)

There is a man called Joe.
He is 6 feet tall, has size 7 shoes, works behind a sweet counter.
What does he weigh?


Why is the sun so bright?

Because it listens in class and always does its homework.

There was a plane crash, every single person dies but two didn't.
How is this possible?

The two people were married.

Why didn't they make two Yogibears?

Because they made a BooBoo.

A man has seven daughters and each daughter has a brother.
How many children does the man have altogether?

The man has eight children altogether.

Two mice in the airing cupboard.
How do you know which one's in the army?

The one on the tank.

There was once a man who had a pet Penguin.
One day, he was taking his Penguin for a walk.

A Policeman saw him and walked over.
He said "What are you doing with that Penguin?"
The man said "I'm taking him for a walk, officer"

The Policeman stared at the man and said "I'm sorry.
You're going to have to take him to the Zoo!"
The man then agreed to take his Penguin to the Zoo,
so the officer walked away satisfied.

The next day the Policeman was walking down the same street,
and he see's the same man with the Penguin again.
Angry, the officer walked over to the man again and yelled
"I thought I told you to take that Penguin to the Zoo"

The man then replied.....
"I did officer! And he liked it so much that I'm taking him again next week!"

Is your refrigerator running?
Well you better catch it before it gets away! 

What do you add in oil to make it boil?
The letter B! 

Did you hear about the fight at the fish shop last night?
Two fish got battered!

The maker doesn't want it.
The buyer doesn't use it.
The user doesn't see it.
What is it?

A coffin

What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with a dog?
A very nervous mailman!

Before Mt. Everest was discovered,
what was the highest mountain on Earth?

Mt. Everest, it just hadn't been discovered. What's a carnivore's favourite game?
Swallow the Leader.
What turns everything around but does not move?
A Mirror.
What makes a chess player happy?
Taking a Knight off.
Why did the baker stop making doughnuts?
He got tired of the whole business!
What is the easiest thing to part with?
A comb.
Why did the chicken want to join the band?
It had it's own pair of drumsticks.
What is as big as an elephant but doesn't weigh anything?
An elephant's shadow.
How many times can you subract 5 from 25?
Once, then you're subtracting it from 20!
Why can't a man living in Australia be buried in America?
He's still living!
If you have only one match and you enter a room and
find an oil burner, a kerosene lamp and a wood burning stove,
which would you light first?

What did one eye say to the other eye?
There's something between you and me that really smells.
What did the mother broom say to the baby broom?
It's time to go to sweep, dear. 
What kind of flower does everyone have?
Why did Joe keep his trumpet in the fridge?
If a rooster lays an egg on top of a pointed roof
which side does it roll down on?

Where's the best place to see a man eating fish?
A seafood restaurant.
What time is it when you have two puppies and a barrel of balls?
It's play time.
Teacher: Why are you standing on that chair in music?
So I can reach the high notes !
What did the polite mouse say?
Cheese and thank you.
What did the strawberry say to the other strawberry?

If you weren't so sweet we wouldn't be in this jam.

I have an eye, but I cannot see. Who am I?


How do you make anti-freeze?

Put ice cubes in her bed.

One woman had four husbands in her lifetime.
The first was a millionare,
the second one was a magician,
the third was a preacher,
and the fourth was an undertaker.
Why did she marry them all?


If two's company, and three's a crowd, then what's four and five?

Why do golfers wear two pairs of pants?

Just in case they get a hole in one.

How do you know if carrots are good for your eyes?

Have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses?

What has eyes but no nose, a tongue but no teeth and is a foot long?


What part of a ship is made out of cards?


Why was Cinderella a bad hockey player?


Why did the boy eat his homework?

Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake.

What goes up but never comes down?


How do you know peanuts are fattening?
Have you ever seen a skinny elephant.

What did baby corn say to his Mom?


Why did the orange stop?

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