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Sunday, June 27, 2010

To my parents

When I was a child
it was such a comfort 
to know you were always 
there for me.
And though my needs 
have changed since then,
my feelings have not 
I still rely 
on both of you 
for so many things 
that only parents 
can give.
When I need advice,
I feel I can count on you
to help me put things 
in their proper perspective
when I have good news, 
I always want to share it with you...
And when things 
are not going so well.
I know you'll make 
things better
just by listeniing,
caring, and understandig...
and you always do.
That's why no matter 
how grown up I may be...
no matter where I go in life 
or what I do
I will never outgrow 
my love for you

1 comment:

  1. A very touching poem ..of course meant for your parents...when are you going to write for me? :( :(
